Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 the year of change

2012 was a big year for me.  

2012 was the year of the Dragon. The dragon is the symbol of emperor in China and coated with mysterious color that is totally unpredictable, untouchable and you can’t see its head and tail at the same time.

If someone had told me in the beginning of the year that my daughter would be going to The University of Connecticut (GO HUSKIES!) and I would move to Connecticut in August shortly after my birthday I would have told them they were crazy.

The college acceptance process was extremely stressful and frustrating but C landed in the school of MY choice.  Between us, I loved UCONN the second we walked on campus, but this was her decision in the end.

C graduated from high school and took on two summer jobs. We moved to CT and a week later she started college.  She did VERY well her first semester and the second is just as  promising.  Such a smaht girl.

I resigned from Finnegan in mid-July leaving a month to pack, move, and unpack in a new place I’ve literally never been. (well once, when I came up for an interview at GE and scoped out an empty apartment for about 10 minutes). 

Leaving Maryland was strange. I had embedded myself in the community through C’s elementary school PTA, the swim team, the community HOA and then her high school.  I met so many amazing people along the way and have made lasting friendships that I am sure will last forever.

Moving to CT was a great move for us.  I don’t regret one thing. The move couldn’t have gone smoother and the transition was seamless.   Unlike Maryland, I’m anonymous here – under the radar.  I have to admit, it’s kind of nice.   I am just me – not in charge of something or volunteering at something (Linda will change this soon).  Just me – not sure who “me” is, but I now have time to figure it out.

2012 was the year of BIG change.  Change is good – I like change.   Like my name, it will be changing to my given name Margaret (there's 9 Queens with this name).  I think I’m old enough now to accept I’m a Margaret and not a Peg, Peggy, Peggie, Marge, Pooky, and Pegine (I’m keeping M and Peggers – thank you).

For 2013, I am going to make two goals (not resolutions – they’re too wordy).  I haven’t decided what they are yet but what’s the big deal, I have 11 hours, right?  Who am I kidding, I’ll fall asleep on the couch and my time will be drastically cut in half!  Sigh …

May 2013 bring you happiness, health, laughter and love.

To end 2012 I leave you with this,

According to my Chinese horoscope, 1971 is the year of the Pig, 2013 is the year of the snake AND “Pig is a lucky animal in Chinese horoscope. According to Chinese Horoscopes Five-Element theory, Pig is in the Water group and Snake of 2013 is Fire. Fire and Water are opposite elements, They have fighting relationship, which implied Pig people won't have a peaceful year in 2013. Fire is related to money to Pig. The major activity in 2013 will connected to money and friends. 2013 is Water Snake year. Snake is Fire. Fire is under Water. That tell us that Snake won't make too much trouble to Pig people. But, remember some big Snake could swallow a small Pig. Therefore Pig people still need to watch the people relationship to prevent a money loss because of friends during the year of Snake.”

I think I’ll stick to fortune cookies they’re sooo much easier to understand.